Coping with Pet Loss

Coping with Pet Loss

Everyone handles the loss of a pet differently, both adult and child. We, the staff of Franklin Lakes Animal Hospital, understand this. We have also experienced the loss of a pet, a valued family member, at some point in our lives. With that in mind a list of resources has been compiled to help you and your family through this difficult time. As your pet’s medical care provider our staff has been with you and your pet, in some cases, from “infancy” to “senior ” care and we want to support you through this time as well. We hope the following resources are of some assistance in your grieving process.

There are typically five stages of mourning that most people pass through, although everyone experiences them at different intensity levels, for varying lengths of time, and not always in the same order. Generally, the stages are:

No one is able to able to tell you your time for grieving. In a busy and demanding world like ours, it is okay to take time to understand your feelings and to sort through them. Remember that you are normal.

It is also important to realize that if your have other pets in the household they too may go through a period of grieving. This process may have begun with your dog when his canine companion became ill and perhaps was hospitalized. Signs may include sadness, depression, searching the house, reduced appetite, or other unusual behaviors. Like yourself, be patient and understanding with your pets.

There are many sources that are available to assist in the loss of a pet. Listed below are some examples. However, if anytime the grieving process becomes to overwhelming you may want to seek professional help.


These books are part of the American Animal Hospital Association’s Bookstore. If you are interested in obtaining one of these books please speak to your veterinarian.

Why We Are Your Superior Choice

Pet Vaccinations

We understand that sometimes a trip to the vet puts stress on your pet, that’s why we offer house calls for those special circumstances.

Experience When It Counts

For more than two decades Franklin Lakes Animal Hospital has been proud to serve our communities animals’ needs.

Specializing in All Types Animals

Here at Franklin Lakes Animal Hospital, we are proud to offer care to many different types of animals, even your beloved exotic pets.


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